
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Unearthly Encounters Live! Chantal Medium

Llewellyn Tarot- Eight of Wands
+Mackenzie Knight, host of Unearthly Encounters Live! and I are pleased to welcome Chantal Medium to a special Sunday show today at 4pm Eastern.

Chantal is a third generation psychic/medium/clairvoyant and she will be giving FREE readings on the show today!  I am excited for this because you know I do a lot of readings, but I get very few done for me.

Please join us live for your free reading, or listen in archive later for what is sure to be a fascinating show!

Chantal Medium on Unearthly Encounters Live! with Mackenzie Knight

This card is a lovingly trimmed Eight of Wands from The Llewellyn Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson, published by Llewellyn.

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