
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dr. Georgina Cannon on Unearthly Encounters Live!

Tonight on Unearthly Encounters Live! with +Mackenzie Knight Dr. Georgina Cannon returns to discuss past lives and interlives!  This show will be live at 8pm Eastern, and you can call in with your questions, which should be many as she is a fascinating lady with so many experiences to talk about!  You can listen in archive anytime!  Call in at (805) 285-9770, or listen right on the show page.  Hope to hear from you there!

Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery- Eight of Staffs (Wands)
I use the Eight of Wands from whatever deck I am using for the week on the blog posts I share about Unearthly Encounters Live! with Mackenzie Knight and any other radio show I am blessed to appear on because it is a card that usually means communications to me, and fast ones, like we experience with our amazing technology in this day and age.

In this deck, the creator describes the card as, "The Woodcutter- cutting down a staff, represents cutting down or back, controlling a fire, simplifying, focusing, or building a bonfire."

I find this apt for this show, for while there is no mention of communication, Internet or radio waves, we are talking about cutting through blocks so we can be who we are meant to be, through the power of hypnosis, and one of our guests', Dr. Georgina Cannon, books is in fact called Dump the Junk: A Powerful Workbook For Getting Beyond Stuck


This card is from The Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery, self published by Robert M. Place and available at his website.

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