
Friday, January 16, 2009

Initial Faeries Reading & Something for Little Big Man

In her delightful companion book to the Faeries Oracle Jessica MacBeth suggests an exercise for getting to know the faeries. You are to find the card that appeals the most to you, and the one that you find the most disturbing, and do some journaling with them. I happen to have found The Pook somehow comforting in an odd way, and his brother (if the deck was ordered, which this one seems to not care to be, they would be only two apart) The Glanconer made me downright uneasy. You were then to turn over the other cards and find one that wanted you to pick it up. Surprise, surprise, I got Sylvanius again.

The first card is something you desire in your life - The Pook is Shape-changer. Good in bad, bad in good. Paradox. Resolution. I am not completely familair with these fellers yet, so I turn to the book for a little help. It describes him as wanting us to break through our mental barriers, learning to see what is as opposed to what we wish. I can definitely see that as something I wish to cultivate in my life.

The second card is something you are having trouble dealing with in your life. The Glanconer is Illusion. Delusion. Lust. Projection. Clear Sight. (Yes, I am aware these two seem to be opposite sides of the same coin, in appearance and message. That's how I roll.) Whenever I make mistakes, it seems to be because I have convinced myself that things are the way I really want them to be, or because a person has shown me who they really are, and I have not chosen to believe them. And lust (for things, for life, for what we usual associate the word with, for food, for experiences), nope, no problems with that at all, not here, *grin*.

The third card is a message from the universe, and I laughed when Sylvanius showed up again. I think him and his sword wielding girlfriend, and their sidekicks have something they really want me to know - Truth. Cutting through deception. Clarity.

I think to the quote by Marianne Williamson which says, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I think Sylvanius there wants me to be living up to my full potential and stop hiding behind my thoughts of inadequacy, because sometimes I am guilty of letting myself think that I just can't, when I need to fill my life with the positive affirmation of - "Of course I CAN."

I am digging these faeries!

The other reading I intended to share today was done for my middle child, my Little Big Man. All my kids love getting readings, and he asked for a Past, Present, Future spread and chose The Fey Tarot, a delightful little deck that I often use for the children (though I took extra notice of how buxom they seem to be while reading to a nine year old little boy *smile*). They do not get the option of things like the Thoth or Necronomicon, haha. I was, however, rather alarmed to see all those swords in his reading! In case you cannot tell, they are the Eight, Seven, and Five of Swords, left to right.

I read it to him as follows - "It looks like today at school you felt like you were in a bad situation and you didn't know how to get out of it. You wanted to fight but you didn't. You just waited. I think for the rest of the week you will have to remember that, and just sort of sit on your sword, so to speak, and not fight even when you feel you should." I realize those are not necessarily "book" meanings for the cards but I prefer to look at the cards and say what I see, and shore that up with my book knowledge if I am not making sense.

"Yeah, that is what happened, Momma!" he exclaimed. "Bret was teasing me and I felt bad and then I felt mad and I wanted to hit him but I didn't want him to feel bad, too, so I didn't, but I don't want him to make me feel bad anymore. And I don't wanna get in trouble," he added sheepishly, and isn't that most of our reasoning for not doing things we really want to? My heart could have melted, I tell ya! We talked about how sometimes kids are mean because their mommas don't hug them enough, and how anger and violence only breeds more, but love can break that cycle. Deep stuff for a nine year old, and I am not promising he got it all, but learning to turn the other cheek, which Jesus admonished us to do, by the way, is a life long process, is it not? I would like my children to do things just because they know they are the right thing to do, but for the moment I will take not wanting to get in trouble as a motivator.

We invited Bret over for some Wii action and laser tag, by the way, and I will serve them the yummiest snacks and we will try to model good behavior for this child, and hopefully we can turn an enemy into a friend. And I shall hug Bret to little bitty pieces, if he will let me.

These images are from Brian Froud's Faeries Oracle, and The Fey Tarot by Mara Aghem.


  1. Don't tell but I got the Faeries oracle for my girlfriend as a present... not sure if Valentines Day or her Bday.
    LOVED the Fey reading for your son and your responses to his telling you of his day. Hope that inviting Bret over will go great and your son will have a new friend.
    Pat on the back for Mom!!!

  2. Awwwww... that reading for your son and how you handled the situation with Bret is so heart warming! Thanks for sharing. I love the flow and synchronicity leading on from yesterday's reading as well. The Faries never let you down... x

  3. souljourney - I think your girlfriend is going to like them! I have had to rescue them from all my kids, so I am looking for some Borders coupons to get them each one of their own.

    Lisa - Thank you! I will hug any stray kids, haha

  4. I could just gush all over the faeries oracle and the fey but I'll hold my gushing to how much I adore each deck!!!!
    The readings you did were wonderful!

  5. I love the faeries. :)

    The Glanconer was my least favourite, too. I had trouble picking a favourite (Himself ended up standing out to me at the time), but no trouble at all picking him as the one that turned me off.

    I've been meaning to go through the exercises (what you like the most and the least, etc) with all of the cards, but never settled into it. The few times I've used them for spreads, they've given me really good readings. It also made me smile when, in a birthday spread, one question had me thinking "The Rarr would be perfect for that one" ~ it was next in the pile. :)

    I like your solution for your son's problems with the other boy (and the reading). :) I hope things work out.

  6. Great reading for you son. I too have a nine year old son and I understand about the teasing at school.

    I also have the faeries oracle but I just can't seem to get into them. I have had these for years and do not even touch them. I have previously traded off copies but somehow "had" to have them back.

  7. Roxanne/faunabay - I love the decks also. I was not fully prepared for how much I was going to adore the Faeries, and even though I mostly use the Fey for my kids, I always think if the ol' Deviant Moon ever lets me go I will use that one for myself more. Thank you for your kind words!

    Angela - I kept picking up and putting down "Himself" but then I decided I was just crushing on him, and that was just weird *grin*. I simply ADORED the blog you did "interviewing" the Deviant Moon. It seems like you and I have similar tastes and I am so excited to see more of your readings!

    Sherry - Aren't little boys the best? I have two of them, and I love their blustery bravado, and their very "boyness". Being a mom is such a great job! I think the faeries must have something to say to you, and that is why you keep on getting them back *giggle*.

  8. I really liked the Fey reading you did for your son, you put a really positive spin on it and one that will help him to be proactive in his own outcomes. I also think what you said for the five of swords was very apt, fives often represent struggles, conflict and challenges etc. but they can also represent a turning point, and it is in understanding how we meet those challenges that life dishes up whether they become stressful or successful if you like. I think the interpretation of the 7 was also a good one because again 7's can be a number that urge us to look inwards and to accept those limitations around us as well as explore what we are capable of, from this comes personal growth and self knowledge.

    I don't have this deck but it look like a great deck for kids. :)

  9. Thanks, Helen! Thank you for the words of encouragement! I always feel good about just saying what I see, but it's good to know the numerology and meanings as well!

    I like the Fey deck. It deviates from RWS a bit, but in a good way. The kids do love it, though I am not exactly sure why. The soft colors, the Japanese style, maybe.

    I'm so glad you stopped by!
