
Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily Draw - The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man - Sometimes, in order to go forward, we have to give up, surrender even, to the experience. This goes against my nature. I fight, I scrap, I cling, I always go down kicking. Maybe now is the time for me to start embracing a philosophy that lets me realize, "That which yields is not always weak." ~Jacqueline Carey in Kushiel's Dart. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being strong, and fighting hard for what you believe in, but the appearance of the Hanged Man suggests that a softer, more introspective energy is what is needed at this moment. Today, this card reminds me that there is a time for everything, and that today is a time for yielding to the moment, whatever that may bring.

This card is from the Tarot of the Cloisters by Michelle Leavitt for US Games.

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