
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daily Draw - Seven of Cups

As a writer, I spend an immense amount of time in fantasy worlds, both those of my own making, and those created by others. It is a necessary part of the writing life, to be immersed in books, and the most basic question a writer must be enthralled with is what if?

I do not believe we were built to live in a world so fallen.

The Seven of Cups often means "choices" to me, and within those choices to be aware that not all is what it seems. I often get this card when I need to wake up and face the music, so to speak. I also often get this card when it is necessary to give up something good for the best, which is never an easy call to make.

I have been feeling a bit disconnected lately, almost as if I am walking through a dream. I work, I eat, I play with the kidlettes, we all do homework, but something is missing, something is not quite right. Perhaps it is time to do a reading to figure out what that is.

This card is from the Rumi Tarot by Nigel Jackson for Llewellyn.

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