
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Daily Draw - Page of Wands, Two of Pentacles, The Fool

Well, look what we have here- the chrysalis from the Hanged One has fallen away, revealing this gorgeous butterfly, free form, free flying.  The combination of the Page of Wands with the Fool suggests some innocent fun in store for the day, and the careful balance of the Two of Pentacles expressing tacit approval.  I can manage the fun and the practical today.

These cards speak of the day ahead for me.  The Two of Pentacles looks like a yoga pose, and Sundays are my long session days.  The Pentacles in hand even remind me of the small balls I use at times in a strength exercise.  The Fool and the Page of Wands feel like pure joy, which is how I plan to spend my day.  Worship at church, which is so much more to me than showing up in a steepled building, and a fantastic novel to while away the afternoon.  It's summertime, and the living is easy.  Today at least.

These cards are from the Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding for Schiffer Books.

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