
Monday, August 15, 2011

Daily Draw - Three of Wands, The Moon, Page of Wands

The precarious balance of the first card, the Three of Wands, shows I can go either direction right now, and I am not yet done with the energy of the Moon, which is where I need to delve in order to reach the bright energy the Page of Wands exudes.

The combination of the Three of Wands with the Moon speaks of exploring the depths of the Moons' landscape, and the exuberant Page of Wands suggests that it doesn't have to be quite as murky as I have been making it.  I have pulled the Moon over and over and over since March, and honestly still have no idea exactly what it means and why, but the card was kind enough to defer to the Lovers as my Monday Majors pull earlier today, and the fiery cards flanking it today suggest that I may be able to burn up the watery Moon energy with the advice of the Wands surrounding it.  The Moon is a lovely card, and one I enjoy, but I am ready for something new in my life.

My work is all creative work, reading tarot, writing fiction, being a mom, all of that is creative work, and the Three of Wands is a card about  preparation and putting energy into our creative endeavors, and the Moon is  card that insists we follow our intuition.  When I relate this combination back to my theme card of the week, the Lovers, I need to pay close attention to my feelings in order to know where to put my creative energy, because I have so many different things pulling on me at the moment.  I see the young Page of Wands here because I am just not sure what I should be doing, and I am learning all manner of things at the moment, all of which seems so important, but I am not just a little overwhelmed.  The Moon says I have to walk on faith, not always being able to see the next clear step, but the Wands cards are ready to light the path once I take those first steps.

Update:  This draw is totally connected to the one for today, separated by a day, and I know what the cards were saying.  I had some creative ideas bubbling around in my head that came to a boil in my sleep (the Moon), in a dream, in which I realized the project I want to write most of all, and I realized it was kind of a big deal, a TON of research involved, but I think there is nothing else like it and will be so worthy, which at the very least would would be my ships coming in artistically (traditional Rider Waite Smith imagery of the three of Wands) and would have me an exuberant student all over again (Page of Wands).  Tarot is so cool!

These cards come from the Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy for U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


  1. I never quite know what to make of the moon, maybe because it is, by its very nature, mysterious! Lately, though, it took on the VERY specific meaning of the neighbor's dogs barking because I kept getting it when the barking was particularly bad, and sometimes at night. It's funny because the neighbor's dog started to bark just as I was typing that. Oy!

    Anyway, excuse the ramble. I'm excitedly awaiting my tea leaf fortunes. I hope your good tea leaf pull is going to ring true for you!

  2. Two Wands surrounding the Moon card. I'd say that today you'll manifest a creativity that comes from deep inside you. It can also mean that you'll expose your wishes and desires in a more aggressive manner than usual. :)

    By the way, what a cute little deck you've chosen!

  3. I never know what to make of the Moon, either, Magic Mentha, and you're right! I am deeply grateful I don't get it for barking neighbor dogs, although mine send their small, excitable children and dogs out to play in the yard at 6 am... And I am eager to see what you make of the Tea Leaf Fortune Cards!

    Marina, you turned out to be completely right! A project idea just welled up from out of nowhere it seemed, and I have begun to "attack" it in a far more aggressive manner than usual. Good work!

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