
Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Majors- Theme for the Week: The Star

My theme for the week, according to the Major Arcana is The Star, a beautiful card that symbolizes eternal hope and healing close at hand.  When we wonder if the light at the end of the tunnel is the end, or another oncoming train, The Star is what we are hoping to see.

The Star can be a mixed bag kind of card, though, as much as we'd like to don the rose colored glasses and say it ain't so.  There is hope and healing there, for sure, but it may not be quite as quickly coming as we want, especially when we are in pain.  Stars are distant and far away, not immediate and fervent like The Sun.  The Latin on this particular card translates to, "All things clean to the clean" which insinuates, to me at least, that perhaps the seeming help and hope she offers is not quite as free as we would like to believe.  There is some work to be done by us.

There is also the element of wishing on a star, and the way that thinking could leave us disempowered, as if we are not in fact in control of our destiny.  And, although we are coming out of the night time circuit of cards that the Wheel of Fortune may have spit us out into, we are not out of the woods yet.  The Star is one card before the madness of The Moon, and her fractured light is shining on the ruins of The Tower.  She is literally between a rock and a hard place, and while that is the eye of the storm and we can be grateful for her respite, we still have miles to go in a dark place to get to The Sun, and our demons to face.  She does not promise to see us safely, just gives us hope for the possibility.

Update: August 29, 2011- The Star manifested herself in my life this week in much way the way I had anticipated.  There has been lots of promise for hope and healing, but it is far off and not free for the taking.  No wishing on a Star is going to get me and mine where we want to be, but that is just fine with me.  "The longer I live the more I believe you do have to give if you wanna receive..." ~John Michael Montgomery, Life's A Dance.

The Star has graced my Daily Draws for the week with her gentle presence and sweet, light pressure to keep on going, to never give up faith, to never feel alone, and for that I am grateful.

This card is from the Tarot of Durer by Lo Scarabeo.


  1. This is a beautiful card.

    As I read these posts, I can see you writing a companion book for a tarot deck. :)

  2. It really is beautiful, and I am so glad I am working with this deck. (It is mistakenly thought to be out of print, but I know where some could be had...)

    And you really are too sweet with your words, but flattery will get you everywhere :-) Thank you so much! I love tarot and I love writing so when they can come together for me I am ridiculously happy!

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