
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How Does He Feel About Me?

Yes, I am as guilty of it as the next person.  I ask questions I shouldn't, questions I likely know the answer to anyway, kind of like reaching for a security blanket in the middle of the night.  Love makes the world go around, right, and we all are looking for it, in some form or another.

Using my Deirdre of the Sorrows deck, since it is Saint Patrick's Day, after all, I asked, How does he feel about me?

The Two of Cups and the Sun, some pretty positive cards that anyone would love to see in a love reading, or almost any other reading for that matter.

The Two of Cup speaks of blessed union, sanctity, and again, like my earlier Two of Cups this morning, a marriage.  The Sun speaks pretty clearly about bliss, joy, and warmth.  There is a light of heart in the image, that I certainly hope he does feel when he is near me.

Just a sweet, happy reading.

These cards are from the Deirdre of the Sorrows deck by Deirdre O'Donaghue.

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