The astrology of the card is Saturn in Libra, according to Mr. Crowley, and others, and Saturn has to do with our life's learning experiences, among other things, while Libra is mainly concerned with how we relate, and above all things, keeping it fair. One of our first life lesson comes at a tender age when we plaintively wail, "But that isn't fair!" to some seemingly uncaring adult, and we all know what their response generally was- "Life isn't fair. Get used to it." True, but harsh words.
By its' very nature, Libra desires to be balanced, but Threes are not balanced. They are the antithesis of balance, the very thing that can upset the careful balance of the Twos and lacking the stabilization of the Fours. Saturn does not mean to be a right ol' bastard, but the fact of the matter is most of us do not learn while everything is going our way, so difficulty and challenge tend to be the things that spur growth. The pairing is not very harmonious, and that brings us to the title of "Sorrow" for this oft-maligned card.
The advice this card offers is to go ahead and face whatever you need to face, because pain and love are alike in some ways- you can't go around it, under, nor over. The only way through is straight and narrow. The gift that can be taken away when this card shows up, and it will, is that we are in control of our thoughts. They may, in fact, be the only thing we are in control of fully, and the way we think about a situation has everything to do with how we experience the situation. That doesn't make it easier when marriages crumble or jobs are lost, or all the tragedies large and small that we all experience happen, but it does make it endurable.
And life always circles around to where we are not just getting by, but celebrating again.

These Three of Swords cards are from the Victorian Romantic Tarot by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov at Baba Studio, the Pamela Colman Smith Commemorative deck, and the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot, painted by Lady Frieda Harris, trimmed by me, both for US Games.