I am doing FireRaven's New Deck Interview Spread
again today, with my Rumi Tarot. I am quite entranced with the artwork of Nigel Jackson, so this has been on the wishlist since I first learned of it. It looks like so:
***** 5 ***** 6 *****
******** 4 *********
***** 3 ***** 2 *****
******** 1 *********

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic? Justice - From this card, I can assume that despite it seemingly sweet nature, the deck is very fair and balanced, and most interested in dispensing justice. I can always expect truth and integrity from this deck, and it will push me to be as honest with myself.

2. What are your strengths as a deck? Two of Staves- Again, two staves are very balanced, and this deck is good at winning. This deck can show me things in an entirely new way, ways that will surprise me, that I did not think was possible, much like getting sovereignty without war.
It is powerful as well as gentle.

3. What are your limits as a deck? Queen of Staves- The deck is limited only by my own preconceived notions. I tend to be very stubborn at times, and often I just think I know what is right, what
is. I am going to have to be open to going beyond what I think I know, so that I can actually learn new things, experience new joys.

4. What do you bring to the table - what are you here to teach me? Seven of Cups- (this was also my Daily Draw card this morning) Working with this deck will help me look beyond the veil, so to speak, and go deeper into the imagination of Spirit.

5. How can I best learn from and collaborate with you? Death- I will have to be willing to die to some old things, so that new and better ones can thrive. Some old habits have to go, and some new, better ones will add more to my life. Some of my old ways of thinking are due for a transformation, as well.

6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? The Fool- a type of Divine Madness awaits. Working with this deck can help me start a brand new, totally different journey and experience. I fond that easily believable.

Shadow Card -
Three of Cups: Spirit is full of abundance, and I should remember that when what I think I feel most acutely is lack. There is no darkness in God, at all, and that way lies the path of the most intense joy.
So far, I like this deck. The minors are very small, and very detailed, and my eyes are very bad, but we are getting along just fine even so. This deck seems very spiritual to me, with no Coins (Pentacles) or Swords in this reading, and with the Persian mystic's poetry on every card.
These cards are from the Rumi Tarot by Nigel Jackson for Llewellyn.