He adores her. He relishes her reliance on his strength. She is safe with him.
My shadow card is the Four of Cups. She sits pining over a letter, letting her memories overwhelm and dishearten her. She has not taken the very sage advice of Dr. Suess to heart -
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
I have a tendency to isolate myself when life gets overwhelming, which is, of course, never the right answer. I am the master at beating myself up for not being able to deal with things alone, and some of the things we say to ourselves we would never dare to say to another living person. We should owe ourselves at least the courtesy we would extend a stranger.
These cards remind me to lean on someone who would love for me to do it, when I need to, and to take joy in the memories of what has passed, not wallow in the sorrow of no longer being in those moments, because there are more to come, and this moment is worth cherishing, too, of its' own merit.

These images are from the Heart Tarot by Maria Distefano for Lo Scarabeo.

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