Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Daily Draw - Five of Cups, The Moon, Eight of Cups

What a moody set of cards I have drawn today!  They just want to lay about and moan about how not fair it all is.

The birds in the flanking Cups cards want to cry, and they very well may have good reasons for doing so.  The lady perched in the curve of the crescent Moon looks as if she is grieving something as well, and the dog howls along with her in her grief, but the Mad Hatter figure, he just keeps on keeping on, because really, that is all we can do.  Grief is a valid part of life, and we need to feel what we feel, but we need to also get up and get on with our lives.  We can't and shouldn't kill the grieving, sad parts of ourselves, but we shouldn't let them take over our lives, either.

Playing a twitter game a few weeks, ago I posted the Dr. Suess quote, "Don't cry because it's over.  Smile because it happened." as a possible meaning for the Five of Cups.  Because the internet removes all need, and some people's desire, to actually be polite some random person decided to blast me for being trite and not acknowledging the need to grieve for what we have lost.  (It's hard to not be trite in 140 characters or less, but I digress...)  Au contrair, I think grief is a very important part of life, but I also think that myself, and many other people, use grief as an excuse to not do the things we need to do.  We get lost in the delusional light of the Moon and begin to believe that is the only way to feel.

I am not particularly grieving anything, not yet, but I am well aware I may be on the cusp of a great loss, but I want to remember that I can cry when I need to, and then I need to let it go and keep on moving, and that when next my tears well up behind my lashes and I need a moment to sob and harangue and beg and scream at the universe, I can.  But the spaces in between count, as well.

These cards come from the Tarot of Durer published by Lo Scarabeo.


  1. Wow, this Tarot of Durer is gorgeous.

    Interesting moody draw. I can relate to this moodiness!!

  2. Wait, that wasn't me, was it? I wasn't blasting. I think I responded to something, but I didn't call you trite. <3

  3. Yes, the Durer IS lovely! I don't want to be in a mood, but if I am at least Ihave these cards to comfort me :)

    Nope, absolutely not you, Angela :) Just some random person I have never interacted with before or since, and it really wasn't a big deal. I elaborated a little more on the melancholy feel of these cards in my post for today.

    Thank you as ever, for stopping by, ladies!

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